Monthly TBRs

November 2016 TBR


I have decided that I am going to dedicate my November to reading NetGalley approvals, a “NetGalley November” if you will.  After seeing my selections for this month, you may say to yourself “but Amanda, some of these books were published months ago…” to which I would replay “why yes, yes they were.”

Boys and girls, I am the perfect example of how NOT to do NetGalley.  Back in March when I discovered NetGalley, I did not understand how it all worked.  Long story short, I went request happy and dug myself a hole that will take a year to get myself out of.  We are talking 75 books people.  I refuse to request my account be deleted and start over.  I requested these book and in fairness to the publishers and the authors, I am going to read these books!  I also realize that I was approved for some amazing books that I’m sure other bloggers were denied… Trust me, I have a lot of guilt over this, so I am trying to make it right.  To motivate myself, I have even put a ban on myself from requesting any new ARCs until my NetGalley feedback ratio is at 80%… it is currently sitting at 11%.  Wish me luck my friends, I am going to need it!

Here are my book selections for November 2016…

“NetGalley November” TBR:

» The Girls by Emma Cline

» The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

» And I Darken by Kiersten White

» The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig

» Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

My Book Club’s November Selection:


» The Book Club Murders by Leslie Nagel

Ok, so cozy mysteries are not my typical reads by any means.  This book was selected because the majority of the members of my book club live in Oakwood, Ohio, which is where the author is from and also where the story is set.  We shall see how this goes…

Which books are you planning on reading in November?

Have you read any of the books on my TBR?  What did you think?

51 thoughts on “November 2016 TBR”

  1. Netgalley is a slippery slope for sure! I’ve stopped checking it myself until I read what I’ve already got. On your list, I’ve read about 30% of Girls and just couldn’t get into it and returned it to library. Maybe you’ll enjoy it more. Good luck on whittling down your list:)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Definitely not just you, since I commented I’ve been on Netgalley requesting The Girl Before after Abby at Crimebythebook was gushing about it on Instagram…I’m unable to stop myself apparently!!

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      2. HaHa:) Instagram is quickly becoming bad for my TBR list! I never used to pay attention to what was on instagram and now I’m loving all the book recs and awesome pictures, I read on my kindle most of the time so I have boring pictures:) I see we’re both from Ohio, it’s nice to chat with someone in the same state!

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  2. I read The Girls, and while I can appreciate the spot-on rendition of a disenchanted teenager, it didn’t do much for me. I was reading it in small chunks for the first half, which probably didn’t help, and ended up liking the back half more once she started spending more time at the ranch and the “cult” vibe really took off.


  3. I love it! Book Blogger Confessions… Though I’m just over 80% with NetGalley, I have several titles in the “naughty” pile. I, too am committed to reading them even though they’ve been published for a couple of months now. So that I’m forced to hold myself accountable, and in honor of nonfiction November, I will announce here that I will begin Tong Wars on or prior to 11/15. Thanks for the inspiration!

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  4. I think everyone goes through that a little with Netgalley – it’s just so addictive being approved! I’ve totally calmed down with my requests now. I’m also trying to pull myself back in order for the next couple of months. I’m not too badly behind now but even so! It’s definitely a learning curve.
    Happy reading.
    Lynn 😀

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  5. Yikes oh wow good luck with NetGalley November (very cool Name btw!)!😊💪 I still have 1 or 2 egalleys to review but am a bit disenchanted since I do the work and don’t even get to keep ebooks since they get archived.
    I really want to read Heilig’s book and still haven’t read Underground Railroad🙈


    1. Sorry I am just now responding Bina, for some reason this was sitting in my spam folder 😦

      The Underground RR is going well so far. I can already tell it is going to be one of those “difficult to read” books, but in my experience, those are the most important ones to read.

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  6. What a great idea! I really need to do this too. My NetGalley shelf is on overload and I’m so behind. I really do need to put those first this month.

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      1. Haha the only thing that helped me is that I don’t care for ebooks. I have a hard time getting into them so I have to be pretty sure I’ll like a book to want to read the digital version

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  7. Lmao! I had NO idea we were talking double digits Amanda 😂😂😂 too funny! You’re giving yourself a time out. I’ve gonna back & forth on whether to read The Girls so I am happy you’re reading it because it means a review will probably be written 😊 & OMG! You have Small Great Things! That’s high up on my TBR…the vanity in me for pretty book covers has kept me from reading it since I’m waiting on the U.K. Edition in hardcover to be released in precisely 19 days smh…I know… I know…LOL! Can’t wait to read it though!


      1. Lol maybe WP hates me again smh. I’m not sure why this cover was chosen but the U.K.’S black & white cover gets all the brownie points. I’ll be ordering my copy soon 😆😆😆

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  8. Oh my goodness! 11% :O
    That’s exactly why I stopped requesting egalleys from them. I only requested a 3 and reviewed 2 of them, but I don’t like the pressure. Also, NetGalley formatting didn’t look right on my Kindle, so I stopped. But good luck! It’ll be a long and arduous journey to 80% feedback ration, but you seem totally committed and I believe in you!

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  9. haha omg this was me. When I first found NetGalley I did the same thing but not to quite that degree. I’ve got about 20 books just sitting there (some from a year+ ago now *gulp*) and I’m trying so hard to read them! I wish I’d bothered to check how easy you get approved before requesting *facepalm* because these books are incredible most of the time but I feel so bad for not getting around to them!

    Liked by 1 person

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