Discussion Posts, Kids' Corner

Kids’ Corner: How to Get Your Kids to Read More


Let’s be honest here, not every kid loves to read.  I know, I know, incomprehensible.  For some parents, it is like pulling teeth to get their child to actually pick up a book.  Been there, done that.  That’s right, I am a parent to a reluctant reader.  Now, if you do not have children yet, I’m sure you are thinking to yourself “that will never happen to me, my children are going to love reading just like me.”  To which I would say, “good luck with that.”  This post isn’t just about reluctant readers though, these can also be used to find ways to get your kids to read more in general.

Let’s talk about some ways you can get your kids to read more…


» Let THEM choose what they want to read

Does your kid like to read comic books and graphic novels?  Let them!  Do they live for sports articles?  Perfect!  I am a firm believer that reading is reading.  I love fiction, however my son does not.  He would much rather read nonfiction: sports books, books on historical events, biographies of people he is interested in, etc.  I had to learn to take a step back and let him read the types of books that he likes to read.  If he does read fiction, he is a big fan of graphic style novels like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

» Let them read on their tablets

Let’s face it.  Kids these days are glued to their tablets.  Why not capitalize and have them do something productive?  There are all kind of ebook apps that offer free ebooks.  Here are a few suggestions → 10 Free Reading Programs for Kids on Mobile Devices

» Designate a “reading time” in your daily schedule

Choose a time that works for your family.  In our house, reading time is before bed.  My son used to have an 8:30pm bed time on school nights, but I made a deal with him that if he read 30 minutes before bed, he could stay up until 9pm.  He gets something (a later bedtime) and we get something (him reading), so it’s a win-win situation.  Before bedtime is reading time for my daughter as well.  She knows that after her bath, she gets to choose a book that either her father or I will read to her.

» Pair books with the film adaptations

Make a deal that if your child reads the book, you will take them to see the movie adaptation in theaters.  If the movie is already out, rent the movie and have a family movie night.  Here is a list of over 80 children’s books that have been made into movies → Read the Book & Watch the Movie

» Reward program

Come up with some sort of rewards program for completed reading.. Sticker chars, reading logs, and even these fun Punch card bookmarks, are all great ways to record reading.  When a certain amount of reading is completed, come up with some type of reward.  For example, 30 minutes of reading time = 30 minutes of screen time or reading daily through the week = ice cream night.

» Read together

  Read TO your kids.  This is not just for pre-school aged children and younger, but older kids too.  Just because an older child can read themselves doesn’t mean you have to stop reading to them.  Reading to your child allows you to share the experience with them.  It can also open up dialogue.  Remember when I mentioned earlier that my son is not big on fiction?  Well he does enjoy having fiction read aloud to him.  It is great bonding time.  Another idea is to have older kids read books to their younger siblings.


» Show an interest in what they are reading

Ask them questions about the books they are reading.  Stay up to date on any new releases by their favorite authors, series, genres etc. etc.  Always be on the lookout for new books that may interest them.

» Visit the library

Visit the library once a week.  Talk to the librarians and get book recommendations based on your child’s interests.  Look into any children’s’ programs offered, many libraries have story times, book clubs, summer reading programs, or you could even do a library scavenger hunt.

» Be a role model

Monkey see, monkey do.  Parents are their children’s biggest role models.  Don’t expect that your kids will want to read if they never see you reading.

» Change up where they read

Does your child typically read in bed or on the couch?  Grab a blanket and go outside to read.  What is better than reading outside under the shade of a tree?

» Get your child a magazine subscription

Reading magazines count as reading too.  Here is a great list of magazine recommendations by age → Magazines for Kids of All Ages

»Listen to audiobooks in the car

Need some suggestions?  I found a great suggestion list here → Best Audiobooks for a Roadtrip with Kids

» Sign preschool aged children up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

If you have kids under the age of 5, sign them up for this program and they will receive a FREE book every month until they turn 5.  Visit the website to see if this program is offered in your area.  You can read my post about this awesome program here → Kids’ Corner: Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library


Do you have any tips or tricks to get kids to read more?

31 thoughts on “Kids’ Corner: How to Get Your Kids to Read More”

  1. What a great article with some really helpful advice. When my children were younger they all had their own library card and we used to spend Saturday morning choosing books – which we then, depending on the weather, followed up with a visit to the park – which they all loved. So, we were all out for the morning, they chose their own books and then fun times. You can’t make your children love reading just because you do although I think that finding out the type of reading they enjoy can be a big help – like you said, if they want to read non fiction, sports, magazines – it’s all reading. One of the women I used to work with said something very similar. She, and her husband, both loved to read but their son didn’t share their enthusiasm – but, apparently everyday he was reading the sports pages of the newspapers and loving it.
    Lynn 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amazing post! When I lived at home still I loved reading to my sisters, it got a little frustrating when they picked the same book over and over for weeks on end but I tried not to let it show because I didn’t want to deter them. You’ve made some brilliant points and I think you hit the nail on the head about letting them read what they want (whether it’s fiction, non fiction, cartoons etc) I’m a firm believer that everyone is a born reader they just don’t know it until they find that perfect book for them!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this! My son just turned one, so this is all new and super important to me. Love your tips, especially reading to your older kids. My dad still read to me after I could read for a while and it was great, definitely something I want to do with my kiddos.


  4. This is a wonderful post! Hunter is really getting into reading now and even writing, and I’m so super proud of him! Literally 30 minutes before I saw this post, he was raiding my bookshelves!! He snatched up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, and Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. I AM SO ECSTATIC, I CANNOT EVEN DESCRIBE IT TO YOU RIGHT NOW!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so awesome ❤️ I have a feeling my daughter is going to be my more bookish child. My son has come a long way. Today he was super excited to get the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book at his school’s book fair, so of course I bought it for him 📚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh and these are all great tips! I especially agree with letting them choose what they want to read, and let them read on their tablets. That’s how I got Hunter to start reading.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely! I definitely agree. They have a few different kids reading program apps for iPads that we have tried. He loves them all! But he’s starting to get into reading physical books so he’s using the apps less often. Which is just fine by me. Lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post! We have found that the LFL is encouraging to our youngest too! Our library always had a great summer reading program when the kids were younger and my aunt always gives the kids a “credit card” for Chapters and they can go and buy $50 of books in one shot – they love that and it is always interesting to see how they choose.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is an amazing article! First of all: your kids are gorgeous ❤
    Okay, so I don't have kids, but I find this super useful for the future. I loved reading as a kid, but for example my brother didn't and years later he still doesn't. I think it's a pity, I don't know why some people see reading as some kind of homework… But then again, we're not objective 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  8. These are great tips! My 16 year old is one of those who has yet to find a love of reading. He read all through childhood (mostly because we required it) and now only reads his required school reading. I’m hoping that someday he will find a love of reading, but it’s true that some kids don’t enjoy reading. Sad, but true. My 11 year old does love to read, but as she started middle school this year and has a lot more homework, her reading has dwindled. Some of these tips we already do, but some have given me ideas of how to get her back to reading more. A lot of your tips are great for kids that are a little older too, which is nice. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. While I don’t have any kids (yet), I can really appreciate this post. It’s obvious you’ve spent a lot of time working on this with your family; a lot of time and effort went into the research involved for this post. I haven’t even considered many of these ideas (punch card bookmark?! Yes please!)– and I can’t wait to try them on my future kids. Not that my future kids will be reluctant readers… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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