Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday: Recent Additions to My Book Wish List

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Hello and welcome to my Top 5 Wednesday post!

T5W is a weekly meme is hosted by Sam @ThoughtsOnTomes.  You can visit the Goodreads T5W group for more info.


This week’s theme is…

July 20th: Most Recent Additions to Your Wishlist
— Books you are dying to get your hands on for your collection, or if you are a library-exclusive reader, books you recently added to your list there.

I’m going to forewarn you, this is going to be the most random list EVER.  Mostly because the second half of these books are books by authors who are going to be appearing at Books by the Banks, a book festival held in Cincinnati, Ohio that takes place in October.

» Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: The Illustrated Edition by J.K. Rowling & Illustrated by Jim Kay


Obviously J.K. Rowling will NOT be attending Books by the Banks.  I mean its J.K. Rowling… and a small book festival in OHIO.  I wish.  I just really want to own the illustrated editions of the Harry Potter series… I really need to pick this one up soon since the illustrated edition of the second book is coming out in October.

» Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo



People are literally losing their minds waiting for the sequel to this book, Crooked Kingdom, that is coming out in September.  I decided I need to jump on the bandwagon and see what the fuss is about.  Plus the cover is pretty awesome.  This is the other book where the author is NOT going to be at Books by the Banks, but that I just wanted to read.

» Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson51Z3ZotTWfL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_


Jenny Lawson WILL be attending Books by the Banks!  I am really excited to read this book since I don’t tend to read ANY nonfiction except for a few memoirs.  I am very picky about the memoirs that I read.  They MUST be hilarious, or I guarantee I will fall asleep.  I’ve heard that this book will fit my criteria though, so I have high hopes.

» Starflight by Melissa Landers



This cover is absolutely stunning!  Melissa Landers is another author attending BBTB, so I want to hurry up and purchase/read this one.  I am a little nervous though since I haven’t read much sci-fi in my lifetime, but this is the year of reading all different kinds of genres, so I am just going to dive on in!

» The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniel



This is actually a happy coincidence that this author is going to be at BBTB!  Tiffany contacted me last month and requested that I read and review this book.  I agreed, so I actually have an ebook copy supplied by the author herself.  As soon as I agreed, I have started seeing great reviews pop up about it, then discovered that she will be at BBTB!  I really hope I enjoy it so I can purchase a copy at the book festival to have signed by Tiffany.

*I’m not going to lie, after writing this post I went ahead and ordered the first three books off this list.  I have no self control.  NONE.

Which books have you recently added to your wish list?  Feel free to link to your own T5W post!

27 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday: Recent Additions to My Book Wish List”

  1. I might suggest steering clear of Furiously Happy – as one who has difficulty not finishing books I start, I was happy to put this one down without getting to the end. I found it obnoxious and as a health professional, insulting to people or families who struggle with mental illness. A number of my book club members gave up on it too!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no! I really hope this is not the case. I must say I am now curious to read it and see if I have the same take away as you did. Maybe it is possible that she was trying to take a book with a hard topic and make it entertaining? Thus bringing more awareness to mental illness because most people don’t just go pick up a book about mental illness unless it has some type of hook like humor? I am not saying this is the case either. I will definitely keep what you said in mind!


      2. I will be interested to hear what you think – a couple of my friends really liked it and found it funny but I think that knowing a few individuals who are struggling it was very insulting. the taxidermied raccoon antics were bizarre and i await your review. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great list! I bought Six of Crows a couple months after it was released, but I’ve held off reading it because the hype was so huge. I figured I’d wait until Crooked Kingdom comes out so I can read them back to back without having to wait. I loved the Grisha Trilogy so I have a feeling I’m going to love these two too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Such a great idea! I really hate having to wait for the sequel, so I may hold off on reading this until right before Crooked Kingdom comes out so I won’t have to wait. Thanks for the tip!


  3. I loved everything about Six of Crows, except for the fact that it was based on a heist scheme. That’s not my favorite. But other than that, the world building and characters are amazing.
    Have a great time at Books at the Banks. How exciting!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve only been to one, and it was a book signing w/only three authors, not a big event like the one you’ll be attending, but what I can say is that it’s pretty fantastic to be around a whole bunch of people who love books as much as you do. Will you get to go with a fellow bookworm? That makes it more fun, I think.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes! I will have a friend with me! I agree, events are always more fun with a buddy. HOWEVER I have been to an author event solo and did just fine. I’m one of those types of people who can strike up a convo with anyone 😅.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah mine is coming tomorrow since I can’t control myself 😅 I probably won’t be able to control myself when the illustrated edition of the second book comes out either 😆


  4. What??? Where’s my comment?? I swear I commented on this. Uugh, hate when that happens. But anyway, I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on Starflight!! I adored it! It reads so well and the characters are all so charming. Even the romance is swoon-worthy <3<3

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You did comment, because I remember responding to it. I swear WordPress is out to get me. It will unfollow the blogs I follow and I’ve had people tell me they try to follow my blog and that it won’t let them! Ugh!


  5. Oh my gosh, The Summer that Melted Everything has fast climbed its way near the top of my favorites list. It’s just incredible – the writing, the characters, the disturbing and uncomfortable quality of it, the themes and the story – everything is just spot-on. I do hope you love it as much as I did. And gah, so lucky that you’ll get to meet her! That’s incredible. 😀
    The illustrated HP is also fantastic. I remember when I bought it and I was flipping through the pages, completely mesmerized and re-living the magic through Jim Kay’s illustrations. It’s such a perfect book!

    ~ Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe I saw The Summer That Melted Everything make the spot of honor (favorite read of 2016) on one of your book tags? I was excited when Tiffany contacted me to review it! I will be starting it soon!!! You have no idea how excited I am for this book festival! It will be my first festival 😊. The illustrated HP is stunning!!! It came this week 😇


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