Book Blogger Recs, Features

Book Blogger Recs: Bloggers to Follow for YA Readers (Part 1)


If you missed it last month, I started a new feature on my blog called “Book Blogger Recs”.  You can read my first installment here → Book Blogger Recs: Bloggers to Follow for Thriller/Suspense/Crime Readers.

“Book Blogger Recs” is a monthly feature where I highlight book bloggers based on a particular theme.  This will not be a simple listing of blogs, but also a mini Q&A session with each blogger.  This way you can get to know the bloggers a little better before checking out their blogs for yourselves.

Are you a YA reader?  If so, I have a few book bloggers I would like to introduce you to…


*All book titles link to Goodreads

» Reg @She Latitude


Years blogging?

It’ll be two years in September! 🙌

Describe your blog in 3 words…

Fun, fulfilling, and… time-consuming? It’s definitely been all three for all the time I’ve been blogging. I say this in the best possible way, though. 

Most & least read genres within YA?

I’ve actually never really counted my YA sub-genres but I’m fairly sure I read an equal-ish mix of contemporary and fantasy. My least read genre is probably historical YA — I just don’t really know where to find good recs for that subgenre!  

What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you on track?

My 2017 Goodreads goal is 50 books and I’m at about 25 books. I’d say I’m on track. Gotta say, though, I’ve been reading less and less these past few weeks so maybe I’ll make it just to 50 by the end of the year. 🤣

Favorite YA book(s)?

Ahhh, it’s super hard to choose a favourite and I’m way, way too indecisive for this kind of question! One of my all-time favourite YA books is probably Sarah Dessen’s Just Listen, though — I think it’s got the perfect mix of coming-of-age, romance, family and friendship elements. 

Favorite YA author(s)?

I’ve mentioned Sarah Dessen above so I think I’ll go with V. E./Victoria Schwab here! Schwab isn’t a strictly YA author but I’m in very, very deep love with her world-building and her prose. 💖

Which YA book(s) would you recommend to a non-reader?

Maybe Melina Marchetta’s books? She’s just got such a quintessentially YA style, and while I haven’t read most of her books, I’ve been impressed by how authentic her voice is in those that I have read. 

How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?

Funnily enough I actually have an old discussion post on this topic! Hmm, depending on who the person is, I’d probably either just shrug it off or attempt to explain my perspective (i.e. that no one is too old to read whatever they like), though. 😅

You can also follow Reg on….


» Kelly @Kelly’s Rambles

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Years blogging?

I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half in total but probably a year of more serious, dedicated blogging. It feels like much longer but I love it!

Describe your blog in 3 words…

Oooh this is difficult. Okay, I’m going with …. Fresh, Fun and Honest. (I really have no idea??)

Most & least read genres within YA?

I definitely read a lot of fantasy YA which was something I didn’t realise until last year when I looked back on my stats. This year I am reading more contemporary and really enjoying it. I also like mystery and dystopian. To be honest I’ll give anything YA a go!

What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you on track?

My overall aim is to read 100 books this year. I’ve read 46 (as of writing this answer) so yes, I’m definitely on track! I’m also trying to read more diverse books and more #OwnVoices books.

Favorite YA book(s)?

This is like asking me who my favourite child is!! This list may be fairly long….
Wing Jones, Rebel of the Sands/Traitor to the Throne, The Sin Eater’s Daughter trilogy, A Quiet Kind of Thunder, Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom, the Grisha trilogy, Dangerous Boys, The Lunar Chronicles, Radio Silence, Strange the Dreamer, When Dimple Met Rishi, Illuminae/Gemina, Caraval, The Hate U Give ….. And of course, Harry Potter! (This list could have gone on much longer and has been edited several times, I love YA!)

Favorite YA author(s)?

There are so many UKYA authors that I love, this includes Katherine Webber, Alwyn Hamilton, Melinda Salisbury, Sara Barnard, Juno Dawson and Alice Oseman. Outside of UKYA I love Leigh Bardugo and Victoria Schwab endlessly. Rainbow Rowell also happens to be a rather wonderful writer.

Which YA book(s) would you recommend to a non-reader?

Definitely The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This book is absolutely phenomenal and easily one of the best books I have ever read in any genre. It is wonderful.

How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?

It makes me sad that this is something I often see people saying or implying on social media and it makes me sad because why should any literature have an age limit? To me it is way more important that people are reading and sharing their love of literature rather than focusing on what it is that they are reading. If I’m enjoying a book and it sparks a fire inside of me, does it really matter? I have an endless love and passion for YA literature and I will be its advocate until the end.

You can also follow Kelly on….


» Krysti @YA and Wine


Years blogging?

I started YA and Wine the end of November, so this month will be my six month anniversary! I am stunned by how quickly it’s growing and how many amazing people I’ve met in such a short period of time.

Describe your blog in 3 words…

Fun, niche, informative (at least I hope!)

Most & least read genres within YA?

I read mostly YA Fantasy and YA Contemporary. I don’t read a lot of YA Sci-Fi, but I’ve read more this year than I ever have before, and I’m finding that I do really enjoy some of them.

What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you on track?

My reading goals for the year are to read 150 books total, 50 books from my backlist, and 50 Netgalley/Edelweiss books. I’m on track for all three, and actually ahead of my total number of books read by quite a bit at the moment.

Favorite YA book(s)?

Toughest question I ever get asked! We’ll go with Caraval, Six of Crows, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, and History is All you Left Me.

Favorite YA author(s)?

Also a tough question, but it goes along the same lines of my previous answer. Leigh Bardugo, Stephanie Garber, Sarah J. Maas, Benjamin Alire Sáenz, and Adam Silvera.

Which YA book(s) would you recommend to a non-reader?

I would recommend Six of Crows to absolutely anyone. There is truly something in that duology for everyone, and Leigh Bardugo is just an incredible author!

How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?

I actually have people try to politely, and not so politely, ask me about this all the time. The first thing I’d say is that book shaming is not okay. People read for entertainment and should not be judged by which books they enjoy to read, whether they choose to read classics, romance, or grisly murder mysteries. We should be encouraging reading of any kind. I also find this whole idea that it’s socially acceptable to read about characters our own age and older, but not acceptable to read about characters younger than us, really problematic. What does that say about our society and how we value young people’s thoughts, ideas, and feelings? 

You can also follow Krysti on….


» Lilly @Lair of Books


Years blogging?

My 1 year anniversary is actually coming up May 24th *eeeek time flew by* 

Describe your blog in 3 words…

Oh man, this is tougher than the dreaded About Me section lol…Ok so I’ll go with diverse, fun, and current

Most & least read genres within YA?

I read mostly Fantasy in YA & my least read genre in YA has always been contemporary but I’ve been working on that 😉

What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you on track?

So for 2017 I gave myself the ambitious goal of reading 100 books since last year I topped at 80. Thanks to the handy Goodreads status bar I know I am 7 books behind *sobs* Besides catching up with my arc tbr pile, I’d love to add some discussions to my blog and have been playing with some ideas. I’m also slowly going to introduce other faves of mine including graphic novels, tv shows & movies. Currently I include a brief summary of some of these in my monthly wrap-ups but would like to go more in depth with possibly some movie reviews once a month. The blog will always be about books though since that’s my #1 passion 😉

Favorite YA book(s)?

I always think of the meme with the woman who responds “that’s like asking me to choose my favorite child” it’s soooo hard! Harry Potter is #1, Red Rising, the Daughter Of Smoke & Bone trilogy (Laini is Queen of strange & beautiful writing), The Hate U Give, History Is All You Left Me (anything Silvera really), The Illuminae Files, Six of Crows, The Upside of Unrequited, A Monster Calls, The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, and A Million Junes (new found favorite). 

Favorite YA author(s)?

Adam Silvera, Pierce Brown, Laini Taylor, Leigh Bardugo, Jay Kristoff, Marissa Meyer, and lastly I’ll say Cassie Clare since I’ve read all her books except for Lady Midnight.

Which YA book(s) would you recommend to a non-reader?

Typically if I recommend a book to a friend, I go by what I know they’re interested in. I think some good starting points for fans of the Fantasy/Sci-Fi/action genre would be The Hunger Games trilogy, Six Of Crows, Red Rising, and the Illuminae Files. For those who may lean more towards the Contemporary side, I’d go with Becky Albertalli or Adam Silvera 😉

How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA

If I’m being honest, the young mom in me (see what I did there? lol) immediately thought of “Don’t Yuck My Yum” but ummmm…I’d probably respond with Picasso’s quote “Youth has no age” 😉

You can also follow Lilly on….


» Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books

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Years blogging?

I started blogging in late 2014 so it’s been two and a half years now. I feel oooooold. 

Describe your blog in 3 words…

Books, blogging, feelings.

Most & least read genres within YA?

My most read genre probably has to be contemporary and the least read one, maybe sci-fi or historical books. 

What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you on track?

I set my Goodreads Challenge to 60 books this year and I’m doing pretty good so far as I am 6 books ahead of schedule, yay!

Favorite YA book(s)?

I’m so glad I can talk about more than one book because WHO chooses just one book, really?! I can’t. For my personal favorites -standalones-, I’ll have to go with Looking for Alaska by John Green, I’ll Give You The Sun and The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson, The Color Project by Sierra Adams and Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith. For my favorites -series-, I’d say The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, The Wrath and The Dawn by Renee Adhieh, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, The Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin. 

Was that too many books? Oops.

Favorite YA author(s)?

John Green, Jandy Nelson, Renee Ahdieh, Marissa Meyer, Maggie Stiefvater and all of the authors mentioned above 🙂

Which YA book(s) would you recommend to a non-reader?

Hm…is that cheating if I say ALL of my favorite books? I think I would recommend them all to be honest, and maybe add some poignant dystopian stories such as the obvious Hunger Games but also Delirium (Lauren Oliver) which I found all kinds of brilliant. Or maybe some mind-blowing read like Patrick Ness’ More Than This


How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?

You’re never too old to read whatever you want to read and there is so much more to young adult books than it seems!

You can also follow Marie on….


» Casey @adoptabookaus

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Years blogging?

I’ve been blogging for a year and a half now! It’s crazy to think back to when I started compared to now, times flown I still feel like such a newbie. 

Describe your blog in 3 words…

Hmm I’d have to say gushing, gifs, and the occasional rant? XD 

Most & least read genres within YA?

My most read YA genre is Fantasy and Contemporary. I love the youngish MC’s and the growth arcs. My least read is Thriller and Horror, I look for gore and some seriously dangerous/high stakes plots and YA having to be less descriptive/tamed just doesn’t work for me, plus I’ve had a bad experiences with too many teenage character being idiotic in the face of danger.  


What are your reading goals for 2017? Are you on track?

I actually lowered my goal for this year, I usual sit around 150 books a year but I set it to 100 just to ease some pressure. I’m currently at 46 so I’m well ahead and the lower goal definitely makes me feel more accomplished. 


Favorite YA book(s)?

I could list my faves for days but I’ll give you the short version: Illuminae, The Hunger Games, Graceling, Six of Crows, Queens of Geek, Strange the Dreamer, A Court of Mist and Fury, The Sidekicks and The Hate U Give. That may have been longer then I intended but I just love all of these so much. The Hunger Games has a huge place in my heart because it rekindled my love for Young Adult as an “adult”. 

Favorite YA author(s)?

Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman, Victoria Schwab, Becky Albertali, Leigh Bardugo, Morgan Matson, Cath Crowely, Will Kostakis, Jenny Han, and Laini Taylor. All these Authors are on my auto buy/pre order list and I’ll read their to do lists if I had the chance.

Which YA book(s) would you recommend to a non-reader?

Oh that’s easy and hard! There’s plenty of adult books that feature younger characters like A Darker Shade of Magic which I would recommend first but also Illuminae, The Hate U Give, Strange the Dreamer  basically something that has that YA feel and is a page turner. Preferably I’d ask what type of movies or shows they enjoy and try to match a book up to their interests, it’s safe to say YA has such a large selection to choose from it wouldn’t be to hard to suggest something. 

How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?

I have actually responded to this in a long ago post that’s still one of my most read blog posts → Reading has no age limit. There is no policing, no requirements, no boxes you need to tick to be a reader. The beauty of YA is older people can relate, WE WERE TEENS TOO! YA tackles so many important topics like Race (Thug), Suicide (Looking for Alaska, All the Bright Places), Mental Illness (Under Rose Tainted Skies), Anxiety and ASD (Queens of Geek). There are even more books that deal with heavy themes in a subtle way: This Savage Song shows that humans can be evil while monsters good, Leigh Bardugo’s Six Of Crows has a character that was stolen into the child prostitution trade and proceeds of her books sales went to a charity that helps children and spreads awareness. Then there are YA non fictions like I Am Malala, and In Order to live that show true stories of teen girls hardships and strength there’s just so much to be learnt from young adult books. I’m 23 and still learn from them. By all means if you feel burnt out then read adult, read a non fiction, read what ever you enjoy but never let anyone make you feel bad for read young adult books at 99 years old it’s your life no one else’s. So basically I’d tell them to piss off and continue reading my amazing YA book. 

You can also follow Casey on….



I would like to thank each of these wonderful bloggers for agreeing to participate in this feature and by answering my questions!  It truly was a pleasure to work with each one of these lovely ladies.  If you haven’t already, I highly encourage you to check out their blogs and give them a follow to stay up to date on all the newest & best YA reads.

I would also like to add that this is by no means an exhaustive list.  I will be featuring more YA bloggers again on “Book Blogger Recs” in the future 🙂


Are you a YA reader?

Have you read any of the books mentioned in this post?  If so, what did you think?

Do you recognize or follow any of the bloggers I featured?

Comment below and let me know 🙂

46 thoughts on “Book Blogger Recs: Bloggers to Follow for YA Readers (Part 1)”

  1. Thank you for featuring me Amanda! XoXO! & in such great company! It was fun reading all the answers & def speak true to each of their blogs which are all AMAZING! LOVE Casey’s answer to “How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?” great answers! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for participating!! I thought you all had wonderful answers to the “How would you respond if someone told you that you were “too old” to read YA?” question.

      I just noticed that the font got messed up for one of your responses?! I’ve been trying to fix it, but the size wont adjust?! What in the world did I do?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course, this is really kind of you & sharing the love is always a good thing. I also loved all of the answers to that question. Love all of the bloggers you featured & I wouldn’t worry about the font 😉


    1. Thank you so much Aimal!!! I hope you do follow these bloggers. I’ve followed each of them for a while now, and love each of their blogs. Each of them bring something a little different to the table 🙂 I already have your blog on a list to feature in the future, so when the time comes, I hope you’ll be willing to participate!


    1. Thank you so much Kristin! If you’ve followed some of these blogs, I definitely recommend the others. I’ve followed all of them for a while now and they each bring something different to the table. Enjoy!


  2. I found so many new blogs!! This was the best feature!! I loved it! What an innovative idea!! Lilly is a good friend, and even though I knew what some of her answers were going to be I still loved reading them 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such an amazing feature, thank you so much for taking the time to do this and to feature me in it, it was an honor to do this, and also a lot of fun to answer your questions 🙂 Can’t wait to read the blogs I don’t already follow 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Margot!! I do love to spread the book blogger love 🙂 I’ve followed all of these bloggers for a while now, and think they are definitely all great YA blogs. Maybe some of them will be reading and reviewing your YA book next year!!!


    1. Girl no need to apologize at all! I’m always a week or more behind on my blog hopping, so I totally get it lol Thank you so much!!! This is one of my favorite features. I have so many ideas for “themes” that I may have to start doing 2 a month 🙂


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