Wrap Ups & Hauls

Weekly Wrap Up: 3/14 – 3/20/16

Happy Sunday!

Well that was a LONG and exhausting week.  Ever have one of those weeks where you feel as if you are running non-stop?  That was me this week.  Since I was busy doing the super-mom thing, I didn’t have much time for reading or blogging this week.  There is just not enough hours in the day.  Even though I didn’t get as much accomplished that I would have liked, I would like to share something incredible (blog related) that happened this week!  Keep reading to find out 🙂

Continue reading “Weekly Wrap Up: 3/14 – 3/20/16”

Wrap Ups & Hauls

Cover2CoverMom’s Weekly Wrap Up: 3/13/16

Happy Sunday!

This is going to be the first of a weekly wrap up post to discuss what I’ve been up to the that week, and what my plans are for the week to come!  I know everyone does the “WWW Wednesday” thing, but I just can’t bring myself to post this in the middle of the week.  I would much rather post at the end of the week on Sunday evening.  I know, I know, I am such a rebel.

This week on the blog…

Monday 3/7


Mystery Monday! Book Review: The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King

After posting this review to my Twitter account, it was actually re-tweeted by Mary Russell, the main character in The Beekeeper’s Apprentice.  Not going to lie, I was geeking out a little bit 🙂


Tuesday 3/8


Celebrating International Women’s Day: Favorite Women Authors

Tuesday was International Women’s Day, so I celebrated by reflecting on some of my favorite women authors.

Wednesday 3/9


Book Review: The Painted Girls by Cathy Marie Buchanan

Thursday 3/10


Book Review: The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

I was actually very nervous about posting this review.  It the first review I had written where I didn’t particularly like the book.  It was the hardest review I have written yet.

Books I finished reading this week…



Amazon / Goodreads

I finished Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica.  One word… Wowza.  Review to come this week for Thriller Thursday 🙂

Currently Reading…


Amazon / Goodreads

I am about 50% done with Laura Lane McNeal’s Dollbaby.  So far, I am loving this book!  Review to come later this week.


Amazon / Goodreads

This week I found out that Stephen King will be coming to Ohio in June!  He will be doing his book tour for the 3rd book in the Bill Hodges Trilogy.  Immediately after I heard this, I downloaded the audiobook of the first installment, Mr. Mercedes. This is only the second Stephen King book I have read, and I am quickly learning that I have been missing out.  King is a BRILLIANT writer.  I am only a about a quarter into this book, but I can already tell its going to be a homerun for me.

On Deck…


Amazon / Goodreads

I will be attending my first ever book club on the 23rd of this month.  I am super excited to be apart of my first book club, however I am apprehensive about this book… Wish me luck.

How was your week?  What is on your agenda for this coming week?

Happy Reading 🙂