Discussion Posts, Features

Book Blogging Babble: What Makes You Click (or NOT Click) That Follow Button?


Hello bookworms!

Today I want to talk about what makes us follow or NOT follow a book blog…


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes us follow, or NOT follow, a blog.  I started having these thoughts during my blog redesign last month.  While trying to create a new identity for my own blog, I reflected upon what I looked for in other book blogs.  What types of designs do I appreciate in other blogs?  What kinds of graphics?  How about content?  If I am doing all this work to redesign my blog, then I am going to need to step up my blogging game… What kinds of posts do I enjoy from fellow book bloggers?

Have you ever thought about what draws you to follow a blog?  Do you have “deal breakers” that will deter you from following a blog?  I asked myself these questions, and here is what I came up with…

*I would like to add a disclaimer to state that these are all personal preferences in what drives me to follow a book blog, and what makes me hesitate to follow.  There is no right or wrong way to blog.

What makes me click the follow button?

Similar interests

Books.  The end.

Is there really anything else people are interested in?  I am really not interested in anything else to consider following a blog dedicated to it, so I really only follow book bloggers. #SorryNotSorry

I consider someone a “book blogger” when the majority of their posts have something to do with books.  I do not mind personal or non-book related posts on occasion.  I actually appreciate getting to know the bloggers I follow on a more personal level.

Typically it helps if I notice that the book blogger and I have similar reading tastes, but this is not a requirement for me.  I actually follow lots of book bloggers that read mostly within genres that I don’t frequent.


  I really appreciate people who “think outside the box” and try new things.  I’m always on the look out for bloggers who come up with interesting discussion posts, unique features, or a try a different approach to book blogging staples (i.e. book reviews, weekly memes, etc.)

The fact of the matter is, it is really hard to come up with original content.  I myself struggle with coming up with creative content.  Most every topic has already been covered a million times before by other bloggers, including this topic, BUT you can’t let that deter you from going for it.  I will always read bookish/book blogger discussion posts, even if I’ve read hundreds of posts on the same topic.  Why?  I appreciate different perspectives & opinions.


I am a huge fan of people who are unapologetically themselves, especially when it shines through on their blog.  If I can’t get a glimpse of your personality in your posts, I will not be following your blog.  I am not looking to follow a robot, I want to follow a person.  Show me who you are.  Big bonus points if you can make me laugh.

Examples of bloggers who do this well:

Cait @Paper Fury


No one blogs quite like Cait.  I’ve seen many blogs try to imitate her, but you really can’t imitate her personality.

Jenny @The Bloggess


I am not sure Jenny Lawson’s blog is technically considered a “book blog,” BUT she does mention books quite often since she is a reader and author… If you enjoy inappropriate humor, I highly recommend her blog and books.

• Drew @The Tattooed Book Geek

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Drew is one of those people who will tell it like it is and will never “water down” his opinions.  I really appreciate his blunt honesty and his courage to dive into the tough topics.


If I read your post and it makes me think long after I’m done reading it, you bet your bottom dollar I’m going to come back for more.  I really enjoy learning, so bloggers who challenge me, give me new perspectives, and open my eyes to new ideas are the ones who I am always on the look out for.

I have found that the #WeNeedDiverseBooks movement has really shown me how much I have yet to learn about the world.  Following diverse book bloggers has given me new perspectives on books, blogging, and the world in general.  I have learned so much in such a short time, and I can’t wait to keep learning everyday.

Examples of #DiverseBookBloggers who do this well:

Naz @Read Diverse Books


Naz has played such a HUGE role in the #WeNeedDiverseBooks movement.  His blog is dedicated to reviewing and promoting diverse books.   He is also the host of the #ReadDiverse2017 challenge.

You should check out:

⇒ Naz’s #ReadDiverse2017 Challenge

⇒ Naz’s Listicles section

Fadwa @Word Wonders


Fadwa is constantly teaching me new things, which is ironic because I think I am almost 10 years older than her.  She is definitely wise beyond her years.

My favorite posts from Fadwa:

Problematic books: What are they and How to Approach them?

Why don’t I see myself? Muslim Representation in Books

To Some, Access to Books is a Luxury.

CW @Read Think Ponder


CW is another blogger that I’ve learned a lot from.  She also always has wonderful book recommendations.

My favorite posts from CW:

⇒ Let’s Talk About: My Problem With The Word ‘Diverse’

Let’s Talk About: The Diversity ‘Catch-22’ – Misrepresentation vs. No Representation

⇒ All of her Book Recs series → Book Recs


This is very broad.  What do I mean?  I mean overall blog design, post layouts, graphics, pictures/photography, etc.   Does the blog have a gorgeous header/logo?  Do my eyes burn from gorgeous pictures of books that the blogger takes themselves?

As far as blog design, I personally gravitate more towards blogs who have a “clean” and easy to navigate design.  Nothing makes me cringe more when there is too much going on or I cannot figure out how to navigate the site.  Obviously bright and colorful designs are very eye catching.  I also appreciate a blog with a attention grabbing blog header.

As far as posts go, I need pictures.  Period.  If you are reviewing a book or participating in a weekly meme by listing out books, I need to see the book covers.  I cannot just look at long paragraphs of text, and I do not think I am alone here.  This doesn’t even have to be that complicated, it could be a simple squiggly line to separate thoughts, sections, concepts, etc. etc.  If you take your own pictures for your blog posts, you get major bonus points from me.  I think this really sets a blog apart and also shows off another aspect of the blogger’s creative side.

Examples of bloggers who have amazing blog layout/design:

Cait @Paper Fury


Obviously Cait is the queen of aesthetics.  Not only does she have a great overall blog design, but I love how she lays out her posts (along with her header images, graphics, etc) AND she take amazing pictures.

Ashleigh @A Frolic Through Fiction


Ashleigh redesigned her blog this year, and I love the pastel colors and how fresh & clean her blog looks.  She also has wonderful graphics and pictures included in her posts.

• Putput @Sparkling Letters

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I only recently discovered Putput’s blog this past week, and I really like what I see.  She has a great layout & design, amazing graphics, AND she takes awesome pictures.  I am sad to report that she is currently on a short hiatus, but I am looking forward to following her when she returns.


If I am seeing you EVERYWHERE, then odds are I am going to get curious about you and check out your blog.  I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen a blogger commenting on many of the same blogs that I follow, so I head over and check them out.

Examples of bloggers who do this well:

• Danielle @Books, Vertigo and Tea

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If you are a book blogger, then chances are you have seen Danielle around the book blogosphere.  I don’t know how she does it, but it never fails when I am reading a post from a fellow book blogger, Danielle has already been there, liked it, and commented on it.  I really appreciate how much time and effort it must take for her to be so active in our community.


You better believe I look at how often someone posts.  If you only post once every few  months, I am most likely not going to follow your blog.  This does NOT apply to bloggers who go on hiatus for various reasons, I’m talking about inconsistent bloggers.

The opposite is also true, if you are posting 3 times a day 7 days a week, I am probably going to pass.  I can handle multiple times a week (even daily if it isn’t EVERY week), but I can’t handle people who overload my inbox.


Variety in posts, or those who I like to refer to as “well-rounded bloggers.”  You know, those bloggers who seem to have their shit together?  Basically the opposite of myself lol

Examples of bloggers who do this well:

Reg @She Latitude


 Reg is a blogger who I would consider a “well-rounded” book blogger.  She posts book reviews, weekly memes, discussion posts, and creative content (i.e. “book looks”).

Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books

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Marie is another blogger who has a lot of variety on her blog.  Not only does she post book reviews & amazing bookish discussions, but she also blogs about her travels as well.


What makes me NOT click that follow button?


If I can’t figure out how to navigate your blog, how will I look through your content to decide if I want to follow it or not?  I really don’t have the right to say too much here because my own blog wasn’t very easy to navigate until recently.  Since I have made my blog easier to navigate, my page views are up because readers are visiting multiple pages.


Personally, I like blogs that are simple, clean, and organized.  Nothing makes me cringe more than going to a blog that has too much going on at once.  It just feels cluttered to me, and I HATE clutter.


You think I’m joking… I can’t count the number of times that I have to search for the follow button and it is no where to be found.  If I cannot find the follow button by glancing at the home page, I am not going to follow your site.


If the feed is ONLY weekly memes, tags, and/or promotional posts (book blitzes, blog tours, cover reveals, etc) then I most likely not follow the blog.  This is not to say there is anything wrong with these posts, in fact I participate in many of these types of posts myself, but I need something MORE.   I need at least some type of original content: book reviews, discussion posts, original features, recommendation lists, etc. etc.


If advertisements take up 50% of the screen when I visit your site, I am probably going to pass.  Also, if there are pop up advertisements every 30 seconds…  Nothing frustrates me more then a pop ups every time you view a new page.  If you have a pop up to follow the blog via email or join a newsletter, fine, but this should only pop up once.  I WILL get annoyed and leave your site.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I do not typically use GIFs in my blog posts.  I think they distract from the content and make the blog look less “professional”.   There is such a thing as too many GIFs… It doesn’t bother me if they are used sparingly, but if there are multiple GIFs/Memes per post, I’m going to assume that you don’t have enough to say and are relying on them to bulk up your posts.  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate a good GIF (or meme), but I think they are more appropriate for social media and not so much for blog posts.



What makes you follow or NOT follow a book blog?

Who are some of your favorite book bloggers?  Give them a shout out!

Comment below and let me know 🙂

75 thoughts on “Book Blogging Babble: What Makes You Click (or NOT Click) That Follow Button?”

  1. I follow bloggers who are smart. If a review starts with “I’m not sure what to say…” or “I know everyone’s already reviewed this and I’m not seeing much…” Why is that person writing? I don’t want a blog post to “talk” to me. I don’t follow blogs that make it hard to follow via email and get notifications via WordPress. Finally, if I do choose to follow a blog and that blogger won’t interact with me on my blog too–something more than as like–I unfollow them. I’m especially annoyed when someone likes a post within a minute of me publishing it; you know, not even enough time to have read the post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahhhh yes! All excellent points. Or how about the people who comment and they clearly didn’t read it? I try to read as many book bloggers posts as I can, so I am guilty of skimming at times, BUT I’ve gotten people who will say “Great review. Glad you liked it!” When my entire review was about how I did NOT like the book 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes to smart blogs! I love reading well-thought out reviews, in particular. Like you mentioned above, Amanda, I want a blog which challenges me. But I want to still be able to relate to this blog.

        Regarding people who didn’t clearly read it: Sometimes, I’m called out by a blogger for skimming when I ask a question addressed in the blog post. Honestly, I think I struggle with reading comprehension on the WordPress app. O_o

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Eh I think that’s a little different. I’m sure I’m guilty of this too. I’m talking about the people who it is very obvious they didn’t read a single word. It’s really hard to read an entire post, especially if it is lengthy. It’s easy to miss the fine details.

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  2. I do like ‘book blogging babble’ it’s a really cool name for a feature!😀

    Definitely agree with most of what you have to say, scary, I’m agreeing with you!😂

    Yeah, gotta have images, don’t like those top ten tuesday and top 5 wednesday memes that have no covers, etc, the memes themselves are fine but it’s when you just get a list of the books and no book covers!

    Ease of reading too, it’s not a major thing I admit but you want to be able to easily read the blog, not like these that have coloured backgrounds, especially dark ones with a dark font, black background with a dark blue font doesn’t make reading posts easy with the small font size.

    Main thing that I look for is personality, I like to see the bloggers personality in their posts, it’s your blog, make it your own sort of thing. I try to put my own personality, for better or worse in my posts and would like to think that when people visit the blog they know it’s The Tattooed Book Geek and that Drew is the guy who wrote the post, like you with your blog, you’re Amanda and you want people to know that you’re behind cover2covermom, we don’t want people think we are robots and that it’s ‘generic book blogger 1’ behind the blog. Even if you like completely different books, it’s the bloggers personality that makes you interact/follow them.

    Ha, personal posts, I wrote one on depression the other day, bad Drew, it’s a book blog not a personal blog, though I did rectify that with a discussion/rant post yesterday, boo ya!😂

    Discussion posts are a nightmare though, I don’t know how bloggers can consistently post them every couple of days!?!

    Really nice to see me and my blog in the personality bit, always nice seeing my blog in other bloggers posts, thank you.😀

    I’d recommend Liz at Cvr 2 Cvr, her personality always shines through in her posts/reviews, such a fun and honest way with her reviews, quality.😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha thanks! I do love a good alliteration 🤓

      You brought up such a good point that I failed to mention! Ease of reading 🤦🏻‍♀️ how did I forget that?!? I’ve seen some fairly hard blogs to read… I came across a blog where the font was a pale yellow on a WHITE background. I had to highlight the text to read the post! True story.

      Of course I mentioned you under personality! Drew, you are a very unique blogger in a sea of much of the same. I find it super hard to distinguish myself from everyone else, but you seem to do it so easily.

      I’m with you on discussion posts. I’ve been working on this one FOREVER! I am such a hard critic of myself and never feel like anything I wrote is “good enough” until finally I just get fed up and post it to get it over with lol.

      And way to shatter my world Drew! How did I NOT know there was another Cover to Cover blogger?! And here I thought I was so clever and original 🙇🏻‍♀️

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      1. Oh crap, I didn’t realise that you didn’t know/follow Liz and I’m presuming visa versa, apologies! Damn, I feel bad now and I don’t normally feel bad about what I write!🙁

        Ah, that’s true, light fonts on a light pale background, just as bad as the darker version though obviously I picked the darker option cos ya know, darkness!😂

        I totally get that, I’m my harshest critic too and no matter how many times people tell me that the post is great I don’t believe it but yeah, I spend ages tweaking little bits here and there and then finally decide enough is enough and post it. It sucks to feel that way though, I wish at times that I could just write/draft the post and hit publish straight away without the questioning how good it is, what can I add, etc.

        Lmao ‘very unique’ I’ll gladly take that as I guess it’s true, I do have a rather blunt and sarcastic way with my posts so, yeah, unique is good.😀

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  3. I’m all about the YA! I’ll auto-follow a YA blog right away…and if with time I’m not seeing anything interesting, I may still follow but not receive email notifications anymore (that’s right: when you or others post, I get an email…so if someone is doing 20,000 tags and memes and is posting every day, I’m going to “opt-out” if you know what I mean).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I also utilize email notifications for the blogs I follow. Some blogs I follow (typically the ones that post multiple times a day/week) I opt to receive one email per week with all their posts, then I pick and chose what I’ll read. Others I opt to be notified for each individual post. I only unfollow someone when they’ve been inactive for a long period of time, like a year or more.


  4. Great post, I love the discussion. I agree with images.. I need them, I judge books by the cover! hahaha And well, I like blogs that interact with me. That’s who I follow via WordPress. If not, I still follow a lot but via Feedly, which is like the secondary feed and I don’t feel so compelled to comment. I don’t mind if the genres are different if they’re reading stuff like yours, but I wouldn’t choose to follow a blog about a genre I’d never try.

    Im perfectly aware that I don’t change much and I don’t do different kinds of posts, but that’s why I like to follow yours 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Annie! I’ve not heard of Feedly? Is that through WordPress?!

      I follow all types of bloggers. Actually, a good chunk of them only post book reviews, which is perfectly fine. Everyone has their own blogging groove that works for them. I’m not setting the world on fire over here with original content lol


      1. It’s a reader, I have book blogs, news websites, fashion blogs, movie sites… but the ones I pay more attention to are the ones I follow via WP. Oh, it’s just that I really like reviews haha And I’m abandoning the Monday meme… but I’ll do something else, just not weekly!


    1. I’m not saying to NOT use GIFs, just that I think there is such a thing as too many. If I’m reading a post that has 20 GIFs, I’m going to assume you don’t have enough to say about the book (topic, etc) so you are using GIFs to bulk up your post. I also think there are posts where they are more appropriate than others. For example, book tags and memes. It’s all very subjective!

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  5. Great job! I love book with lifestyle posts because I like to know the people I follow. I love clean, clear designs with pictures. Anything that makes me think I’d chat you up in person will get a follow from me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! People who are approachable and relatable on their blog make them feel warm and inviting. I also like when it feels like they are talking to you instead of at you… if that makes any sense? Like their blog posts feel like a conversation?

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  6. I read a lot of book blogs, but the ones I like best are those with some personal posts thrown in. I don’t like formulaic blogs too much (on Monday, I post this tag; on Tuesday, I post this meme…) I like other things mixed in as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I personally don’t work off that type of blog schedule (or any at all if I’m being honest lol) BUT I do know people who follow very strict schedules like that. I’m fine with that type of schedule as long as it isn’t limited to weekly memes and tags. As long as they are throwing in reviews, I’m fine. Bonus points for other types of content 😊


  7. Personality is my number one thing I look for, alongside similar reading tastes, good writing, and original content. 😃
    Not finding the follow button is definitely a big turn-off for me. I mean, it just seems really dumb to hide it. 😂

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    1. Ive been thinking about the hard to find follow button and I do think that the blog theme *could* factor into this. What I mean by this is that I noticed that when I changed my blog theme, they way my blog looks on a computer vs a phone is very different. My old theme looked the same on all devices, but my new theme isn’t like that. On a phone, the follow button is all the way at the bottom of my blog, whereas on a computer it is on the top right hand side. I wonder if people have a hard time finding my follow button on my blog if they are on their phone 🤔

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      1. I mean, I personally don’t mind which corner the follow button is in as long as it’s visible! I hate when it’s hidden or just not there at all. Seems really pointless to me.


  8. We have a lot in common. I’m not a fan of gifs either and I also only follow book blogs. I don’t follow many because I don’t make time to read blogs too often. I go for personality and common genres. I mean, some difference is good but if it’s like a strictly nonfiction or YA blog I wouldn’t follow. I don’t really pay attention because I mostly use the mobile app so a lot of design details are lost aside from pics in the post itself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. See I only blog hop on my computer, so I never really take into consideration the mobile version of my blog. I’m actually not a fan of the mobile version of my blog theme, but it looks so good on a computer… I’d be interested to know the percentage of people viewing my blog on the mobile version vs the computer or iPad versions 🤔

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Interesting post! What drives me to follow a blog? The blogger’s intelligence, taste in topics, and unique perspective and personality. Like you, I’m more likely to pass if the person blogs multiple times per day (actually, in that situation, I’m more likely to follow them on Twitter instead of through a reader or email).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent point! Twitter is an excellent way to follow a blog without your inbox getting clogged. I tend to set my email notifications to once a week for the bloggers that I follow who post a little more frequently, or that post a lot of weekly memes and/or promotional posts (blog tours, cover reveals, etc) that way I get a summary each week and can pick and chose what I read.


  10. This is SUCH an interesting post, Amanda, I loved reading it – also, thank you for the bloggers’ recommendations ahah. I was happy and surprised to be on your list as well…It seems like I have my sh*t together then? That makes me happy hahaha thank you so much ❤ ❤
    Usually, I want to follow bloggers having variety in their posts for sure, and overall the same interests as me in books, but I definitely follow other people as well writing interesting discussions even if they don't always read the same kind of books as I do. I mostly follow book blogs just as well. I read other kinds of blogs but I don't follow them actively 🙂
    I definitely pay attention to a design, even if it's not what matters the most – if I can't find the posts or if everything is too messy and I get lost everytime I get on this blog, well…It's not for me I guess ahah 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You should t be surprised at all Marie! I thoroughly enjoy your blog and can’t believe the amount of awesome discussion posts you post every month. It definitely seems like you have your shit together, even if it may not be the case lol at least we don’t know that 😉

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  11. I am actually just going to agree with you here! You pretty much nailed almost every “does” and “doesn’t” work for me.

    But I have to admit that with my health I am discovering something that is greatly affecting my decision to follow lately that was not always an issue, and that is “Font”. Size and color. My eyes go out from time to time and if I cannot see it, well I obviously cannot read it 😦 It has been a true deal breaker lately. The aesthetics you mentioned also play into this a lot.

    I really cannot think of much more to add, as you covered all points so well! You should have included yourself under each category though 😉 I thank you have done a fantastic job of incorporating the best of each element into your blog ❤ Thank you for the very kind mention. Love the post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Drew mentioned “ease of readability” as well and it wasn’t even something I thought about when writing this post, but it is so true! I’ve come across blogs that make me dizzy just trying to read them, so I can only imagine what you are going through with your vertigo. Excellent point!

      You are so welcome Danielle! You definitely deserve an award for “most active blogger” in the community. It does not go unnoticed 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I really enjoyed reading this post! I basically agree with the points you made both for blogs I want to follow and those I tend to stay away from… Like you it’s only book blogs for me and I’m not picky about what kind of books in general. There is a slight exception when it comes to adult romance reviewers; whenever I just see covers with all those shirtless men on them, I think twice before clicking the button because it’s simply something I would never read. 😉 And it’s good to know I’m not the only one not finding follow buttons! I’ve had that happening a lot lately and I was already wondering if the problem was just me or my computer, or if those blogs just make it hard to follow them haha.

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    1. Ahhhh I am also not a “erotic romance” reader and will also stray from those blogs lol Not bloggers who read them on occasion, but the blogs who only read that type of book.

      After I wrote this, I started wondering if the Blog theme on different devices plays into the follow button. For example, on a computer my follow button is the top right corner, but on a mobile app, it’s on the bottom… do you read blogs from your phone or computer? I read from my computer… but I wonder if people read my blog from their phone, if they are having a hard time finding my follow button 🤔

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I read from my computer most of the time because my WordPress App doesn’t work all that well… I have seen that it’s sometimes harder to find follow buttons on my phone though, so you’re definitely not the only one.


  13. Thank you for this post, it’s brilliant! I’ve been thinking of playing around with my blog so you’ve given me food for thought. Plus I now have a whole host of new bloggers to follow!

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  14. I’ve been meaning to say that I LOVE the redesign, Amanda! Your blog is looking GORGEOUS!!! I love blogs with good content–discussion posts like this one, longer reviews where the reviewer explains why they felt a certain way about a book. And, yeah, like you I only follow fellow book bloggers. I love hearing a bit of personal stuff and getting to know the blogger behind the posts, but I still like the focus to be mainly on books. The main reason I’ve unfollowed bloggers in the past is when they post constantly, and the posts are all tags, cover reveals, book hauls, etc. There’s not really anything in those posts for the reader, and the constant emails are kind of spammy. I usually only get to sit down and read blog posts once or twice a week, and when a blogger posts every day, it’s just too much. I can’t keep up!

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    1. Thank you Margot! I appreciate that so much. I spent a ridiculous amount of time on the redesign, and I’ve gotten so many wonderful comments. I feel the blood, sweat, and tears were worth it lol

      I’m so with you on all the promotional posts. The people who do the blog tours are given all the info for the posts (unless a review is included) so it just feels cold to me… plus any other blogs participating in that promotion basically have the exact same post. No individuality. I need more!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love your new graphics in particular. Did you create them yourself, or have them made? Promo posts are the worst. I’ve seen some great blog tours where the author will write guest posts and give interviews, or the bloggers will write reviews or find some creative way to respond to the book, but the ones where they just plug in whatever content the publicity team sent through just feel like ads.

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  15. I do typically follow only book blogs and of those I tend to hit the follow button for blogs that review or feature books in the genres I typically read. If a blog is hard to read in terms of font size and colors I might pass it by though. I also appreciate being able to get a feel for the blogger’s personality in their reviews or discussions:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are the third person to bring up font color/size and I can’t believe I didn’t mention that in my post!! Such an excellent point! I’ve come across blogs that make me dizzy when trying to read them OR they have a light font on a light background and I have to highlight the text to actually read it!

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  16. Brilliant post! Yes yes yes. Like Melanie and I mentioned above, I love blogs which challenge me. Particularly when it comes to genres I don’t read often. In fact, that’s why I love following Liz @ Cover to Cover and Danielle @ Books, Veritgo, and Tea. They read a lot of suspense, thriller, horror, and absurdist literature. I know that if a book appeals to me from their reviews I should push myself outside my typical genre boundaries.

    And to add to the community aspect: I will stop following a blog if a blogger never comes to my blog and comments back. The reason I blog is to start a dialogue about books, bookish things, and grow myself. I don’t want to have a one-sided conversation. Those who maintain a dialogue with me are my closest and favoritest bloggers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are the second person to mention Liz @Cover to Cover! Drew also mentioned her and I was devastated because I didn’t realize that there was another “Cover to Cover” blog lol and here I thought I was so original 🙄 how I didn’t come across her blog before now baffles me, but I’ll be following her now.

      I completely get what you are saying about those bloggers who don’t reciprocate or interact on your blog. I follow a few people who I don’t think have ever visited my blog, but it doesn’t really bother me. I figure I’m still getting exposer because maybe someone will really relate to my comment and check my blog out based off my interaction on someone else’s blog…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You *are* original. A Cover to Cover Mom is not the same thing as someone reading Cover to Cover. Or… something like that. 😉 Liis is awesome. I hope you find some great recommendations and perspectives from her.

        Oh yeah, I definitely follow people who have never commented on my blog, too. But I am constantly trying to expand my own viewpoints and connections. There are just only so many hours in the day. And when I am prioritizing blog hopping, those who give me love will get love first. 😉


  17. I follow blogs who I seem to have some books in common with. Our tastes don’t have to match exactly, but I need to see some authors and genres in common. When I began blogging I followed all the book bloggers who followed me, but now I’m more selective about who I follow. I only have so much time for reading blogs, you know? Hard decisions have to be made!

    You made some excellent points! I enjoy your Book Babble posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was the same way when I started! I also tried to read EVERY post by all the bloggers I followed, but it just isn’t realistic anymore. I’d never have time or read or blog myself! I think most of us “get it” and don’t expect our followers to read EVERY post we put out, or at least I don’t.
      Thanks for reading Laila 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  18. I love this post! You featured some of my favorite bloggers.

    (I like your new design and layout, too, by the way. The browns and dusty rose hues are so cozy. (I grew up in a nail salon family business so that’s why “dusty rose” comes to mind, haha.))

    I think I’m quite picky when it comes to following blogs compared to most bloggers since I follow less than 20. All of what you mentioned in this post is important to me. Especially the one about a blogger’s content. If 95% of their posts are interesting to me and I have a good steady relationship with the blogger (where we’ve talked a lot via commenting on each other’s blogs and messaging on Goodreads or other sites for a few months), normally I follow them. I think why I’m comfortable with following few blogs for now is because I’m pretty satisfied with my system of blog hopping and visiting other bloggers’ sites for now. I like that I get to still meet new people and make friends without having to commit.

    Again, great post, Amanda! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I really tried to do a design that would still appeal to people, but also stand out as so many blogs look the same these days.

      I think as long as you are active in the community, it shouldn’t really matter how many blogs you follow. It sounds like you have a great system where you interact with a select few bloggers on a more regular basis which allows you to discover new blogs too. I struggle with making the time to search for NEW blogs, as I’m trying to keep up with all the blogs I currently follow…

      Thanks for stopping by Summer ❤️


  19. Eep, thank you SO MUCH for featuring my blog despite my month of inactivity! I’m super honoured that you consider me well-rounded – that’s the farthest thing from my mind when it comes to my blog since there are just so many good ones out there, but I truly, truly appreciate the shoutout. ❤

    Also I have definitely not followed some blogs because I can't find the follow button or they make it hard to follow them somehow (i.e. needing me to subscribe using my email, etc.). I'm just sometimes too lazy to take that extra step and can't be bothered to do so. I'm also not that into blogs with ads – I understand that any source of income is welcome but when the blog is 50%+ ads it really does turn me off.

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  20. You are so welcome Reg! You really shouldn’t be surprised! You have an amazing blog and such a good variety of posts. I also really love how you review and have come to really trust your opinion on books.

    When you mentioned subscribing via email, it got me thinking that I really only follow WP blogs because all I have to do is hit that follow button…. I mean I’ve come across blogs on different host sites (like blog spot and what not) but I don’t typically follow them… probably because of the laziness factor lol I wonder if WP bloggers stick together and BlogSpot blogs stick together due to the ease of following 🤔


  21. Wonderful post!!! I think I agree we almost all of it. I’m a very visual person, photos and covers are what draw me in. Great graphics as well. Of course a similar genre is a priority but since I read bestsellers and fantasy as well I love to connect with bloggers that don’t read romance only. I love personal blog posts, those really allow to connect and get to know a person outside of what he/she reads. And if there is a traveling post – I’m all over it. WordPress.com makes it so easy to follow other WordPress blogs, unfortunately I’ve been self-hosted from the very beginning and that has been a hurdle I didn’t expect. Following my blog outside of subscribing can be a little complicated. But I hope fellow WordPress bloggers don’t give up and add me manually to their WPreader. And I love how many awesome bloggers you’ve listed. Thank you for that!!!

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